The most important segment and quality key of olive oil is a regular and uninterrupted production process.
The therapeutic properties and the importance of olive oil in our diet has been known since ancient times, and a proven way of production has been used since then, which has been really important in obtaining high performance, quality olive oil. Time and method of harvesting result as the most important steps in the production of olive oil.
Modern olive processing consists of cleaning the fruit, crushing, pressing and separation. First of all, of course, come harvest and transport. These are important because the olives are picked before they are fully mature. Transportation must be done within 24 hours and fruits must not get damaged, because once a fruit is damaged it begins his process of decay.
The production begins by washing and cleaning the fruits from leaves, dirt and dust. This is followed by crushing the fruits, which was traditionally performed and still is known to perform in stone mills. In this way, oil droplets are released, and the fruit is completely crushed. After that, there comes pressing, where it comes to a complete draining of oil, provided that the maximum cold pressing preserves the quality of olive oil. It’s a high quality oil, with distinctive smell and taste.
It’s the time of harvest and methods of production that differ several types of olive oil. One of the best known, the best and the healthiest is the extra virgin olive oil. It is obtained after the first pressing of healthy olive fruits. Nothing is added to this oil, that means, for example, that extra virgin olive oil with the addition of rosemary is not extra virgin anymore. This oil has to meet strict criteria and must not contain more than 0.8 grams of free fatty acids. Extra virgin olive oil must have an unmistakable smell and taste of leaves or fruit of the olive. This oil is obtained strictly by mechanical process, which means no chemical and biochemical activity, it’s a completely natural product. It is obtained only by harvest at a certain point of maturity, and that becomes the major factor in the production of high quality olive oil.
Virgin olive oil is also obtained after the first pressing, but of poorer olives, making his acidity to be slightly higher in comparison to extra virgin olive oil. The content of fatty acids in these oils does not exceed 2 per cent, showing therefore that extra virgin olive oil is better quality. /p>
If you come across a product that says only olive oil, it means that oil is a result of mixing refined oil and a certain amount of virgin olive oil that serves to improve color and flavor. The acidity of the obtained oil is about 5 per cent. Because of its low prices, buyers sometimes opt for pomace olive oil, which is unknown to the majority of people. This oil happens to be when after the processing of olives and obtaining olive oil, 4 to 9 percent of it still remains in the pomace, the hard part of the olive fruit. This oil can no longer be extracted neither by pressure nor by centrifugal force. Chemical processes are used in the production of these oils, so that the quality of them can’t be measured with that of extra virgin and virgin olive oils.
The whole process of elaboration and certain rules in the production of olive oil make it one of the healthiest oils for the human body. Recommendations of experts, nutritionists and physicians emphasize the use of these oils in the diet due to the positive effects of this natural product